Green Club was formed in Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Bhagta Bhai Ka on Oct. 1, 2016. It provides a safe and orderly environment with expectations of academic success, open communication, development of strong character and respect for diversity while preparing students for ever-changing world.
Aims & Objectives
In Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Bhagta Bhai Ka, the Green Club was formed on Oct. 1, 2016. It will provide a safe and orderly environment with expectations of academic success, open communication, development of strong character and respect for diversity while preparing students for ever-changing world.
- Hosting Earth Week to educate staff, students and our community about issues facing earth
- Beautifying our campus
- Working with staff and students to create awareness about environmental issues
- Tree plantation drives
- Quiz Competitions/ Debates/ Poster Presentation/ plays (Nukkad Nataks)
- Awareness Rallies
- Visit to biodiversity sites
- Compost Tea making
College Green Club Committee Members
Name | Designation |
Prof. Priya Bansal | Asst. Prof. |
Prof. Supandeep Kaur | Asst. Prof. |